Saturday, June 01, 2013

Got Ink :)

My Ink will always be special.
A forever reminder of the love I can give..and the love I pray for.
Passionate, strong and magical.

I know that every relationship has taught me so much about myself. I strive not to be cynical about love and the magic that goes with it. I would always like to believe in happy-ever-after.

I know my worth and I am learning to trust God. I will have my love story and it will even be more magical than how I imagine it to be. I am discovering the beauty of allowing God.  I am learning how to ‘surrender’ let Go.

I had my Ink last August 17, 2012:The love that moves the sun and the other stars..

L'amor Che Move il Sole e l'altre Stelle
It was a memorable "event" because I had my Tat with my two bestbestbestfriends/sisters beside me (elisa was doing the video while apple was holding my hand).

It might just seem like a “cheesy” quote from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love. However, it holds a deeper meaning for me.  In a spiritual aspect, I agree on how Dante Aligieri described God as the love that moves the sun and the other stars in his work, Paradiso.
However, in a more personal note, it will be a forever-reminder for me that despite the fu*cked up relationships that I had, I still believe that one day I will have this kind of love-powerful, passionate and strong. I won’t settle for less.

Full Support from My Girls
My Tat-Artist, Allan :)


  1. I like pink blogs! Welcome to the blogging world sis. Visiting here from GT the Comment Exchange thread. Hope you visit back too! :D

    1. Thanks Jingke :) Pink and feminine..hehe :)

  2. I admire your positivity sis! More often than not, people who've had bad relationships tend to not believe in a magical love anymore, so applaud you. :) Anyway, I don't have plans of getting inked yet, but maybe when I find a phrase or clause that holds deep meaning for me :)

    Visiting from GT's Comment Exchange, by the way.

    The Purple Doll

    1. Thanks Sumi :) It's never easy.. but I always find meaning in things and events. I try to "connect the dots" and analyze why it was not meant to be..and I pray.
      The resilience to bounce back when the sand castle tumbles down is never easy..but faith and time will eventually heal me.
